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Table 2 Overview of Theme 1 with representative quotes

From: Support or justice: a triangulated multi-focal view of sexual assault victim support in a UK sexual assault referral centre (SARC)




Negotiating the challenges of systems-level agendas, priorities, and targets

Challenges in sexual violence investigations and support provision, highlighting issues like miscommunication, confidentiality concerns, and difficulties in obtaining support for survivors in mental and social health care sectors.

‘Mental health services have their thresholds to meet before somebody gets support and the same with adult social care. Quite often, it’s hard to reach those thresholds and you do find yourself in situation where you feel support for a person is necessary, but they don’t tick enough boxes to receive that which is frustrating and a constant fight.’ (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor)

‘It can be frustrating from the crisis worker side … police officers take their time, and they sometimes get lost and don’t necessarily know what they’re doing.’ (Crisis Worker)

‘…the client will say [that] they have been told it’s okay to wash or things like that.’ (Crisis Worker)


Obviously, we have time constraints but there’s always a little bit of flexibility, so we don’t have to see them at 3 in the morning, we can see them when they’ve slept, if they’re in hospital we can wait till they have been discharged and rested before they come to see us.’ (Sexual Offences Examiner)