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Table 2 Baseline characteristics (N = 681)

From: Predictors of time until return to work and duration of sickness absence in sick-listed precarious workers with common mental disorders: a secondary data-analysis of two trials and one cohort study

Baseline characteristics


(N = 681)

n (%)


(N = 320)

n (%)

Co-WORK (N = 186)

N (%)


(N = 175)

(n (%)



 <50 years

 Mean years (SD)

458 (67)

44 (11)

256 (80)

41 (11)

103 (55)

46 (10)

99 (57)

47 (10)





351 (52)

330 (48)

173 (54)

147 (46)

92 (49)

94 (51)

86 (49)

89 (51)

Employment status (baseline)



 Temporary Agency contract

 Employed, loss of contract during

 sickness absence

553 (81)

19 (3)

109 (16)

216 (68)

11 (3)

93 (29)

173 (93)

6 (3)

7 (4)

164 (94)

2 (1)

9 (5)

Psychological symptomsa





131 (19)

319 (47)

231 (34)

39 (12)

50 (16)

231 (72)

51 (27)

135 (73)


41 (23)

134 (77)


RTW self-efficacyb





170 (25)

276 (41)

235 (34)

40 (13)

45 (14)

235 (73)

105 (57)

81 (43)


25 (14)

150 (86)


Type of study





320 (47)

186 (27)

175 (26)

320 (100)




186 (100)




175 (100)

Study allocation





258 (38)

248 (36)

175 (26)

164 (51)

156 (49)


94 (51)

92 (49)




175 (100)

Expected RTW < 6 monthsc(N = 361)

85 (24)


20 (11)

65 (37)

Education (low)c(N = 361)

104 (29)


49 (26)

55 (31)

  1. a Cut-off point based on the median of the GHQ12 (Brainwork participants) and 4DSQ (Cohort and Co-Work participants)
  2. b Cut-off point based on the median of the RTW-SE scale (Brainwork participants) and ASE-SE subscale (Cohort and Co-Work participants)
  3. c Expected RTW < 6 months and level of education were not included in the analyses because data were not available for any of the participants from the Brainwork study. Low education level included no education, primary school or lower vocational education