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Table 1 MHLq items, MHLq-Young Adult English and Chichewa versions

From: Translation of the mental health literacy questionnaire for young adults into Chichewa for use in Malawi: preliminary validation and reliability results

English items

Chichewa items

Physical exercise contributes to good mental health

Kuchita masewela olimbitsa thupi kumathandiza kuti munthu akhale ndi umoyo wabwino wa ubongo

A person with depression feels very miserable.

Muntha odwala matenda a nkhawa amakhala osakondwa.

People with schizophrenia usually have delusions (e.g., they may believe they are constantly being followed and observed).

Anthu odwala matenda a mubongo ngati ‘schizophrenia’ nthawi zambili amaona zinthu zomwe palibe (mwachitsanzo, atha kukhulupilila kuti wina wake akuwasatila kapena akuwalonda)

If I had a mental disorder I would seek my relatives’ help.

Nditakhala ndi vuto / nthenda ya mubongo, nditha kupempha thandizo kwa achibale

If someone close to me had a mental disorder, I would encourage her/him to look for a psychologist

M’bale wanga kapena nzanga atakhala ndi nthenda ya mubongo, nditha kumulimbikitsa kuti apeze katswiri wa maganizidwe / mubongo

Mental disorders don’t affect people’s behaviours.

Matenda a mubongo sakhuzana ndi makhalidwe a`wanthu

Sleeping well contributes to good mental health.

Kugona mokwanila kumathandiza kuti munthu akhale ndi umoyo wabwino wa ubongo.

If I had a mental disorder, I would seek a psychologist’s help.

Nditakhala ndi nthenda ya mubongo, nditha kufufuza thandizo kwa katswiri wa maganizidwe / mubongo

A person with anxiety disorder may panic in situations that she/he fears.

Munthu odwala matenda a nkhawa, atha kukhala ndi mantha opitilila miyezo zinthu zomwe amaopa zikamachitika

People with mental disorders belong to low-income families.

Anthu omwe ali ndi matenda a mubongo amachokela m’mabanja a ndalama zochepa

If someone close to me had a mental disorder, I would listen to her/him without judging or criticizing.

M’bale wanga kapena nzanga atakhala ndi nthenda ya mubongo, ndingathe kumumvela opanda kumuweluza kapena


Alcohol use may cause mental disorders.

Kumwa mowa kumatha kuyambitsa matenda a mubongo

Mental disorders don’t affect people’s feelings.

Matenda a mubongo sakhudzana ndi m’mene anthu amamvelela muthupi

The sooner the mental disorders are identified and treated, the better

Matenda a mubongo akadziwika ndi kuchilitsidwa msanga, zinthu zimakhala bwino

Only adults have mental disorders.

Anthu akuluakulu okha ndi omwe amadwala matenda a mubongo

Changes in brain function may lead to the onset of mental disorders

Kusintha kwa magwiridwe antchito a mubongo kutha kuyambitsa nthenda za mubongo

If someone close to me had a mental disorder, I would encourage her/him to see a psychiatrist.

M’bale wanga kapena nzanga atakhala ndi nthenda ya mubongo, nditha kumulimbikitsa kuti akaonane ndi

katswiri wa zamisala

If I had a mental disorder I would seek for my friends’ help.

Nditakhala ndi nthenda ya mubongo, nditha kufufuza thandizo kwa anzanga

A balanced diet contributes to good mental health.

Kudya moyenela kumathandizila kuti munthu akhale ndi thanzi labwino mubongo

One of the symptoms of depression is the loss of interest or pleasure in most things.

Chimodzi mwazizindikilo zakukhumudwa ndikusakhala ndi chidwi kapena chisangalalo m’zinthu zambiri

If someone close to me had a mental disorder, I could not be of any assistance

M’bale wanga kapena nzanga atakhala ndi nthenda ya mubongo, sindingathe kumuthandiza.

The symptom’s length is one of the important criteria for the diagnosis of a mental disorder

Nthawi yimene zimatenga kuyeza zizindikilo za matenda a mubongo /misala, ndichinthu chofunika kwambili

Depression is not a true mental disorder.

Matenda okhumudwa si vuto lenileni ya mubongo

Drug addiction may cause mental disorders.

Kuledzela ndi kusuta kwambili kutha kuyambitsa matenda a mubongo

Mental disorders affect people’s thoughts

Matenda a mubongo amakhudza kuganiza kwa anthu

Doing something enjoyable contributes to a good mental health

Kuchita zinthu zosangalatsa kumathandiza kukhala ndi umoyo wabwino wa ubongo

A person with schizophrenia may see and hear things that nobody else sees and hears.

Munthu odwala ‘schizophrenia’ amatha kuwona ndikumva zinthu zomwe wina saziwona kapena kuzimva.

Highly stressful situations may cause mental disorders.

Zinthu zopatsa nkhawa kapena zovuta kwambili zimatha kuyambitsa matenda a mubongo.

If I had a mental disorder, I would seek for a psychiatrist’s help.

Nditakhala ndi matenda a mubongo, nditha kupempha thandizo kwa katswiri wa zamisala