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Fig. 2 | International Journal of Mental Health Systems

Fig. 2

From: A framework for precision “dosing” of mental healthcare services: algorithm development and clinical pilot

Fig. 2

Final model parameter distribution histograms. In the model, sessions represent a ‘therapeutic dose’ (input) and the \({k}_{out,*}\) terms represent how fast that input dissipates in an individual, which would be analogous to how fast something is eliminated from the body—the higher these values, the faster the input dissipates. There is increasing variability, and increasing typical (average, or central tendency in the population) values observed coinciding with the clinical triaging hierarchy of coaching, therapy, and psychiatry. The “response sensitivity for services” (\({S}_{50}\)) term indicates how much of the therapeutic input is necessary to sustain a response (see Materials & Methods) and demonstrated a range of sensitivities to treatment across an order of magnitude. The “relative symptom generation rate” represents how fast symptoms are observed to return to baseline (severe levels in this case). Note again (from Fig. 1) the simplifying assumption that was made such that \({r}_{out,dep}= {r}_{in,dep}\)

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