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Table 3 Cross tabulation of CBAI score and assessment of clinical psychologist (gold standard) at the cut off score of > 16

From: The Child Behaviour Assessment Instrument: development and validation of a measure to screen for externalising child behavioural problems in community setting


Assessment by clinical psychologist (Gold standard)


Assessment based on the questionnaire

Problem behaviour N (%)

Normal behaviour N (%)

Total N (%)

Problem behaviour

54 (88.20)

50 (18.46)

104 (31.33)

Normal behaviour

7 (11.47)


228 (68.67)


61 (100.00)

271 (100.00)

332 (100.00)

  1. Sensitivity = 54/61 × 100 = 88.52
  2. Specificity = 221/271 × 100 = 81.54
  3. Predictive value positive = 54/104 × 100 = 51.92
  4. Predictive value negative 221/228 × 100 = 96.92