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Table 2 Summary of exploratory factor analysis results for the Mental Health Peer Support Questionnaire (MHPSQ), Singapore 2018

From: Development of the Mental Health Peer Support Questionnaire in colleges and vocational schools in Singapore


Factor loadings


Discerning stigma (Factor 1)

Personal mastery (Factor 2)

Interpersonal skills (Factor 3)

Young people with mental illness are dangerousa




People with mental illness can just get over their emotional problems if they trya




Serious mental health problems are obviousa


− .03


Stigma does not affect people’s willingness to seek helpa


− .01

− .02

Self-care is important




Mental health stigma can be caused by media portrayals



− .13

I am able to understand my peers with empathy



− .04

I can talk about ways of coping with my peers




I am confident of letting my peers make their own decisions about their mental health



− .11

I am aware of when I am feeling overwhelmed



− .05

I know the differences between self-harm and suicide

− .04



I am able to encourage my peers to have positive mental health

− .12



I find it difficult to encourage my peers to seek professional help when they need ita

− .03

− .01


I find it hard to tell my peers concerns in a non-judgmental waya




I tend to focus on myself in conversations with my peers, even when I don't mean toa


− .02


I find it difficult to identify warning signs of suicidea

− .01







Percent of variance




Cronbach’s α (95% CI)

.76 (.72, .79)

.77 (.73, .80)

.74 (.70, .78)

  1. Only factor loadings greater than .32 are presented
  2. aItems were reverse scored in the questionnaire and for the factor analysis
  3. Bold values indicate salient factor loading for each item