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Table 2 Mean scores for pre, post, and post-intervention for knowledge summative assessments

From: Perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge of teachers serving as mental health lay counselors in a low and middle income country: a mixed methods pragmatic pilot study


PRE N = 23

POST N = 23

INT N = 14

PRE-POST comparison p-valuea, Cohen’s d

POST-INT comparison p-valuea, Cohen’s d

PRE-INT comparison p-valuea, Cohen’s d


Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)


Total score

5.61 (1.03)

5.66 (1.38)

5.30 (1.54)

0.85, 0.04

0.78, 0.25

0.77, 0.24


  1. at-test
  2. ^significant if p < 0.05; no comparisons were significant