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Table 2 Suggestions and recommendations by the providers

From: Readiness to deliver person‐focused care in a fragile situation: the case of Mental Health Services in Lebanon

HCPs from Beirut

HCPs from Bekaa

1. Strengthening public awareness and engagement of people having mental health diseases to improve their knowledge and awareness to available services and reduce social stigma within the community and among healthcare providers.

2. Enhancing investments for mental health and budget allocations to train healthcare providers.

3. Innovation and implementation should be guided by research

4. Conducting research and generating evidence on the burden of mental health disorders and the status of health service provision.

1. Strengthening awareness campaigns against gender based violence and abuse

2. Empowering Multisectorial collaborations to promote and protect the mental wellbeing.

3. Improving the responsiveness of the legal system

4. Strengthening investments in mental health training programs: training security forces and medical staff on how to deal with mental health patients especially the severe cases