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Table 5 Key themes from Lead Site staff and regional stakeholder consultations

From: Implementing child and youth mental health services: early lessons from the Australian Primary Health Network Lead Site Project

Key theme


Example stakeholder statement

Service access and gaps

Several stakeholders raised challenges related to a lack service access and/or existing service gaps, such as intensive (psychiatric) services and services for youth with more complex issues

'When we refer youth with more complex/severe issues, there are big waiting lists, and we get [youth with] increasing complexity. The complex cases we can only refer to hospitals'

Workforce and expertise

Stakeholders mentioned challenges with recruiting a specialised workforce and workforce retention. Some stakeholders noted it is beneficial when new services are established from organisations with existing expertise

'I think it’s good the funding went to the local health district, that’s where skills and expertise are, it’s commendable for the PHN to have chosen to do this'

Funding and guidance

Stakeholders commented on a lack of clear guidance on how to use funding, unclear key performance indicators and data requirements. They also noted that short-term funding contributed to several other challenges (e.g. workforce issues)

'There were many questions about key performance indicators, data reporting et cetera'

Integrated and flexible service models

Stakeholders pointed out the need for more integrated and flexible services for youth, including clinical and non-clinical services

'From a clinical perspective it makes sense to specialise, for youth it doesn’t’ work. It’s not what they need'

Promotion of services

Most Lead Site staff mentioned that minimal service promotion was needed. Some deliberately did not promote their services in order to manage demand

'[…] being able to share the data, the difficulty with these groups is that the data is so poor. Research team member: Does that mean planning is more difficult? Yes absolutely'

Data collection, access and sharing

Lead Site staff noted the collection of meaningful data was challenging. Better access to data and sharing of information between services was considered to be necessary for service planning and implementation

'[…] being able to share the data, the difficulty with these groups is that the data is so poor.

Research team member: Does that mean planning is more difficult?

Yes absolutely'