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Table 1 Outcome space of participants’ conceptions of practice in staff prevention and management of staff-directed aggression and violence

From: Exploring staff conceptions of prevention and management practices in encounters with staff-directed aggression in supported housing following education and training

Descriptive categories

Referential aspect

Structural aspect

1. Observation, alertness and awareness

Safeguarding under unpredictable and threatening circumstances, limited resources and staff disempowerment

Practice as protection

2. Established understanding and knowledge of service users

Adaptation to and restriction of tenant’s propensities for violence and aggression

Staff as knowledgeable and expedient authorities

3. Team-based risk management and deliberation

Developing solutions and strategies for management of risk in the workplace collective

Staff’s aggregate experience and knowledge as a basis for practice

4. Adaption of own dispositions and behaviors

Self-awareness and self-regulation are required in addressing situations involving staff-directed aggression

Using oneself to build non-violent relationships and interacting responsively with tenants

5. Reflexivity, sensitivity and care

Meeting aggression with self-critical and empathic consideration and respect towards the other

Practice attentive of tenant’s needs in the situation, experiences of disempowerment and providing reflexive care

6. Involvement and dialogue

Involving tenants in increasing understanding of aggression and in developing preventive and management measures

Tenants and staff as equal partners in the helping relationship