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Table 1 Social and clinical characteristics of sample population (n = 38)

From: “We can’t carry the weight of the whole world: illness experiences among Peruvian older adults with symptoms of depression and anxiety


Total (n = 38)

Age in years (n = 38) (mean, s.d.)

67.95 ± 7.79

Sex (n = 38)


15 (39.5)


23 (60.5)

Education (n = 38)

 University or College

2 (5.2)

 High school (complete/incomplete)

20 (52.6)

 Primary school (complete/incomplete)

14 (36.8)


2 (5.3)

Marital status (n = 32)


15 (46.9)

 Separated, divorced or single

8 (25.0)


9 (28.1)

Living status (n = 37)


1 (2.7)

 With spouse and others

13 (35.2)

 Without spouse but with others

23 (62.1)

Work status* (n = 34)

 Doing work that generates income

17 (50.0)

 Not doing work that generates income

17 (50.0)

Multi-morbidities** (n = 38)


7 (18.4)

 1 or 2 diseases

24 (63.2)

 3 or more diseases

7 (18.4)

Taking medications for anxiety or depressive symptoms (n = 32)


7 (21.9)


25 (78.1)

Experience with psychology/psychiatry (n = 34)


14 (41.2)


20 (58.8)

Anxiety and depression status (n = 38)

 Only depressive symptoms (PHQ-9 ≥ 10)

11 (28.9%)

 Only anxiety symptoms (BAI ≥ 16)

11 (28.9%)

 Depressive and anxiety symptoms

11 (28.9%)

 No depressive or anxiety symptoms

5 (13.3%)

Health insurance (n = 38)

 Has insurance

9 (23.7)

 No insurance

29 (76.3)

  1. *Work status: We defined ‘work’ as any activity that serves as a source of income (e.g. selling handmade fabrics, carpenters, taxi-drivers); almost all who worked were working informally
  2. **Multi-morbidities: self-reported hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma, arthritis, valvulopathies, schizophrenia, and bronchitis/COPD