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Table 1 Item frequencies for Psychosis Screening Questionnaire in non-attenders with probable SMD (n = 61)

From: Equitable access to mental healthcare integrated in primary care for people with severe mental disorders in rural Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study


Psychosis Screening Questionnaire item

Number (%)


 Introductory question

Have there been times when you felt very happy indeed without a break for days on end?

20 (32.8)

 First key question

Was there an obvious reason for this?

6 (9.8)

 Second key question

Did your relatives or friends think it was strange or complain about it?

8 (13.1)

Thought insertion

 Introductory question

Have you ever felt that your thoughts were directly interfered with or controlled by some outside force or person?

24 (39.3)

 First key question

Did this come about in a way that many people would find it hard to believe, e.g. through telepathy?

16 (26.2)


 Introductory question

Have there been times when you felt that people were against you?

27 (44.3)

 First key question

Have there been times when you felt that people were deliberately acting to harm you or your interests?

28 (45.9)

 Second key question

Have there been times when you felt that a group of people was plotting to cause you serious injury or harm?

26 (43.3)

Strange experiences

 Introductory question

Have there been times when you felt that something strange was going on?

24 (43.3)

 First key question

Did you feel it was so strange that other people would find it very hard to believe?

19 (31.2)


 Introductory question

Have there been times when you heard or saw things that other people couldn’t?

26 (43.3)

 First key question

Did you at any time hear voices saying quite a few words or sentences when there was no one around who might account for it?

28 (46.7)

Any psychotic symptom

45 (76.4)

Yes to any introductory question

41 (68.3)

Yes to first key question

38 (64.4)

Yes to key question(s) highest levela

37 (61.7)

  1. aSecond key question for hypomania or paranoia, or first key question for the other symptoms