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Table 1 Overview of all integrated community-based youth service hub (ICYSH) models meeting inclusion criteria in the review

From: Key attributes of integrated community-based youth service hubs for mental health: a scoping review



Year established

General program summary

ACCESS Open Minds [13, 19, 38,39,41, 97]

Canada (national level)


Applies evidence to bridge science-practice divide and meet goals of transforming mental health care and producing better outcomes

Considers contextually driven circumstances to address deficits in youth mental health services and uses culturally appropriate practices

Aims to provide early case identification, rapid access to initial assessment, continuous service bridging adolescence and young adulthood, and connection to specialized services

Child Health Centre [66]



Provides comprehensive, integrated health care services at the community level

Consults on school problems, behavioral concerns, and peer and family relationships

Corner Clinic Teen Parent Programme [87]

Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States


Serves teenage mothers’ medical, social, and psychological needs through multimodal, collaborative program

Involves individualized care and group support

Provides developmental screening for children

Forward Thinking Birmingham [13, 14, 37]

Birmingham, UK

2015; 2011 (piloted as Youthspace)

Applies principles of prevention, choice, and personalized care

Provides a dedicated youth mental health service

Engages young people through rapid response and high-quality initial assessments

Foundry [19, 42, 43, 75, 76, 79, 97, 98]

British Columbia, Canada


Ensures health promotion, prevention and early intervention are core components of a comprehensive system of care

Strives to provide services that are timely, accessible, developmentally appropriate, socially inclusive and equitable, and culturally sensitive as well as youth- and family-centered, collaborative, and empowering

Allows for service integration through partnerships and collaborative inter-sectoral working and focuses on integration process

Strives to provide services that are evidence- and trauma-informed and effective

headspace [12,13,14, 19, 29,30,32, 45,46,48, 50, 51, 52,53,54,56, 59, 60, 64, 69, 70, 73, 74, 80, 81, 84, 90, 90,91,94, 97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,118]

Australia (national level)


Strives to meet core health needs through highly accessible, multidisciplinary model of care

Bridges gap between mental health and substance services through co-location and common governance

Provides early intervention within enhanced primary care structure/one-stop shop linked to specialist services, schools, and other community-based organizations

Isle of Wight service [68]

Isle of Wight, UK


Aims to meet the needs of children at risk for requiring residential services in the community

Co-locates four agencies (health, education, social services, substance misuse) into one service

Junction [119]



One of the eight participants in the Youth Crisis project

Provides mental health services for 16–25 year olds

Provides easy-to-access, swift response with low wait times for youth in crisis situations

Jigsaw [13, 14, 19, 33,34,36, 45, 49, 57, 120]

Ireland (national level)


Integrates supports and services for young people through community capacity building

Engages young people in design and planning of integrated services

Improves availability of programs that teach young people core competencies and resilience, and strives to identify those at risk earlier

Ensures clearly defined pathways to care and engages community leaders

Northern Ireland Care Trusts [121]

Northern Ireland


Provides a single point of entry for mental health referrals, improves referral and assessment process, and reduces wait times and service duplication through fully integrated, comprehensive health and social care trusts formed by integration of existing provider trusts

Serves health and social care needs through one-stop shop, community-based well-being and treatment centers

Oak House Child Development Centre [67]

Isle of Wight, UK


Provides range of support for children with complex difficulties through interagency working between health, education, and social care

Expands initial focus on children with autism spectrum disorders to include wider range of difficulties

Provides coordinated approach to assessment and diagnosis, support and intervention planning, and service delivery

Orygen Youth Health [12, 14, 33, 61, 63, 72, 78, 83, 90, 120,121,124]

Melbourne, Australia


Provides early intervention for psychosis, mood disorders, and borderline personality disorder through evolution of Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) model

Provides triage, assessment, and crisis response 24/7, and community and home-based services through a youth access team

Delivers early intervention services over a 2 year period of care through four specialized clinics

Plan d’action en santé mentale (Mental Health Action Plan) [71, 125]

Quebec, Canada


Emphasizes primary care as entry point to mental health care and avenue for mental health service delivery

Supports primary care providers through collaborative care or shared care model involving partnership between first-line health and social service care providers and specialized mental health resources

Spilstead Model [85]

Sydney, Australia

2005 (study period commenced)

Provides holistic and intensive child- and parent-focused services and interventions within one-stop shop

Targets families with complex parental issues and children under school age experiencing social, emotional, or developmental delays

YouthCan IMPACT [19, 44, 52, 88, 97]

Toronto, Canada


Provides range of youth-friendly services in one setting utilizing rapid, stepped-care approach

Delivers personalized care for youth with mental health and substance use concerns in their community

Seeks to address service gaps, decrease wait times, be more youth and family friendly, and be more cost-effective

Evaluates effectiveness of model through pragmatic randomized controlled trial

Youth One Stop Shops [19, 38, 62, 65, 82, 126, 127]

New Zealand


Provides accessible, youth-friendly health, social and other services in a holistic ‘wraparound’ manner at little or no cost, in a safe and welcoming environment

Wraps range of services around youth to meet individual needs in a seamless and coordinated way

Delivers strengths-based services in a manner that is non-judgmental, culturally appropriate, and respectful to youth utilizing youth developmental principles

Youth Stop (YStop) outreach clinic [128]

City of Greater Dandenong, Melbourne, Australia


Provides early intervention and intake not dictated by diagnosis within youth outreach ICYSH inspired by headspace ideals

Addresses existing gaps in youth mental health delivery by linking primary care services and the tertiary level mental health program

Youth Wellness Centre [86]

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


Emphasizes accessibility, peer support, family support, use of technology, youth participation, evidence-based treatment, efficiency, and system linkages within early intervention, youth-focused service

Includes service streams for early intervention, transition support, mobile team, and re-engagement

Co-locates service with substance use counseling and monthly primary care clinic

Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario [97, 129]

Ontario, Canada


10 sites providing integrated, stepped-care model with mental health, addiction, primary care, community and social services for youth 12–25 years of age

Provides rapid access, evidence-based services that are co-created with youth, caregivers and service providers

  1. ICYSH Integrated Community-based Youth Service Hub, UK United Kingdom, EPPIC Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre