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Table 2 Opportunities and threats within the Nigerian Context

From: Sustainable financing mechanisms for strengthening mental health systems in Nigeria



Health system factors

Health system factors

A new mental health bill is before the National Assembly

Implementation of task-shifting and integration of mental health into primary care with training of primary health care providers on mental health using the mental health gap action programme intervention guide (mhGAP-IG) is increasingly becoming acceptable across the country

The adoption of the mhGAP Implementation Plan by the National Council of Health in 2013 for the scaling up of mental health service in the country

Implementation of health insurance schemes; and pilot studies of VCHIS have demonstrated promising results, which can improve access to MH services

Projects funded by EU and other donor agencies are providing new evidence and models for scaling up mental health care services in Nigeria

Health insurance for the informal sector workers is yet to begin

Spill-over effects of internal crises (insurgency) on the health sector with resultant displacement of larger populations

Economic factors

Economic factors

High projected economic growth

Tax revenue expected to improve

Massive investment in the power sector to boost generation capacity and productivity

Fall in international oil price

Budget deficit and negative current account balance

High levels of poverty, unemployment, adult illiteracy, and population growth

Economic Recession in Nigeria from second quarter of 2016

Political factors

Political factors

Encouraging policy environment for health

New UN resolution on NCDs, including the SDGs which include specific targets for mental health

New health sector policies/plans focus on strengthening primary care and sustainable health financing

Determination to fight corruption by the government

Insurgency and political tension and power struggles

Low scores on polity, stability, and corruption indexes; instability of neighbouring countries

Neglect of Mental Health in the 2014 National Health Act and the delay in passing the National Mental Health Bill by the National Assembly