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Table 1 Examples from the adjudication phase of the TRAPD model used to adapt Saudi CIDI 3.0

From: Implementing the TRAPD model for the Saudi adaptation of the World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview 3.0

Question from the original CIDI 3.0

Modern Standard Arabic translation—before

Modern Standard Arabic translation—after


PT10: Were you ever involved in a major natural disaster, like a devastating flood, hurricane, or earthquake?

هل سبق أن عايشت كارثة طبيعية هائلة ؟

هل سبق أن تعرضت لكارثة طبيعية هائلة؟

The Arabic word “عايشت” means “lived” as compared to the English word “involved”. It was therefore, changed to reflect the exact meaning of the question

lived → involved

NSD9c: How often did you feel that everything was an effort?

تشعر بأن كل شيء يعتبر ثقيل عليك؟

تشعر بأن كل شيء تفعله يتطلب مجهود؟

The Arabic phrase

“يعتبر ثقيل عليك” means “was heavy on you” as compared to the English phrase “was an effort”. It was changed to reflect the exact meaning of the question

was heavy on you → was an effort

PD62c: How many professionals did you ever talk to about your attacks?

كم عدد المختصين على الإطلاق الذين تحدثت معهم حول هذه النوبات؟

كم عدد المختصين الذين تحدثت معهم في حياتك حول هذه النوبات؟

The Arabic phrase

“على الإطلاق” means “at all” as compared to the English phrase “ever”. It was changed to reflect the exact meaning of the question

at all → ever