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Table 2 Paired sample t-test comparing mean pre and post impact of supervisor training (n = 117)

From: Feasibility and acceptability of strategies to address mental health and mental ill-health in the Australian coal mining industry


Pre mean (SD)

Post mean (SD)


I am confident that I can describe the difference between mental health, mental health problems and mental illness

2.94 (0.87)

3.92 (0.71)


I am confident that I can identify if someone was experiencing mental health difficulties in the workplace

3.18 (0.75)

3.82 (0.67)

< 0.001

I am willing to start a conversation with a workmate about their mental health or my concerns for them

3.81 (1.07)

4.16 (0.79)

< 0.001

I am confident that I can identify supports that can be recommended to a person experiencing mental health problems

3.69 (0.99)

4.23 (0.70)

< 0.001

I am confident that I can have an effective conversation about performance issues that may be due to mental health problems

3.31 (0.93)

3.99 (0.74)

< 0.001

  1. Scores from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much)