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Table 1 Features, evidence base and benefits of the system

From: Supporting mental health, wellbeing and study skills in Higher Education: an online intervention system

MePlusMe feature


Benefit for user

Benefit for HEI

Online access

Effectiveness of online therapies [19]

Ease and flexibility of access

Anonymity (removal of stigma)

Freeing up resources in SSS for students with more severe difficulties

Visual appearance, language and layout designed specifically for students

Proof-of-concept study—end-user feedback [21,22,23]

High engagement levels


A system that is ‘fit-for-purpose’ and highly usable

Marketing their different support services tailored for students

Ability to personalise page (both for user and HEI)

Personalising a product can strengthen emotional bond [23]

Strengthens emotional bond to system. Student takes ownership

Marketing possibilities (white labelling)

Use of multimedia (animated videos, etc.)

Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning [24]

Enhanced learning environment

Claiming variability in the different offerings for students’ support

Assessment measure (Questionnaire) developed from validated clinical tools

HADS [25]

GAD-7 [26]

PHQ-9 [27]

MINI [28]

Accurate identification of needs. Best-fit intervention

Untrained staff (e.g., personal tutors) can use the Questionnaire as a first-line symptom identification tool

Evidence-based techniques used (e.g., normalisation, promoting wellbeing, problem solving, study skills)

CBT [29], behavioural activation [30]

cognitive defusion [31,32,33]

High effectiveness in addressing symptoms, enhancing general wellbeing and increase academic self-efficacy

Fit-for purpose

Availability of granular statistics analysis

Data granularity allows for a better analysis of data [34]

Indirectly, as HEI allocate resources better and are able to adequately support students

Improvement of resource allocation. Stakeholder accountability

Improvement of reputation and profitability

Branding opportunity to be labelled as the “caring” university