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Table 2 Short definitions of the different types of policy-related documents identified

From: Child and adolescent mental health policy in South Africa: history, current policy development and implementation, and policy analysis

Policy document

Explanation of the document

Stand-alone mental health policy

Defines the vision for the future mental health of the population, specifying the framework which will be put in place to manage and prevent priority mental and neurological disorders

Stand-alone child and adolescent mental health policy

Defines the vision for the future mental health of the children and adolescents, specifying the framework which will be put in place to manage and prevent priority mental and neurological disorders

CAMH plans

Is a pre-formulated detailed scheme to implement the vision and objectives defined in the child and adolescent mental health policy. It includes the concrete strategies and activities to be implemented and specifies targets to be achieved by the government. It clarifies the roles of the different stakeholders in implementing the activities of the mental health plan

Mental health legislation

Regulates mental health care co-ordinates access to services. It sets out the rights and duties of patients and providers, and explains how the property of mentally ill persons may be dealt with in a court of law

General health policy

Defines the vision for the future health of the population, specifying the framework which will be put in place to manage and prevent priority health disorders

Strategic plan

Outlines the broad strategic goals for the department

Annual performance plans

Sets out a framework to align strategic plans and annual performance plans. Puts emphasis on the outcomes oriented monitoring and evaluation approach