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Table 1 Governance principles and associated themes.

From: Current situations and future directions for mental health system governance in Nepal: findings from a qualitative study

Governance principles

Broader themes included in the study

Strategic vision

Facilitative factors and barriers to development and implementation of plans and policies

Participation and consensus orientation

Facilitative factors and barriers to coordination and consultation with service providers, service users and other sectors outside of health

Rule of law

Facilitative factors and barriers to the development and enforcement of laws, as well as synergy between laws


Facilitating factors and barriers to ensuring transparency in resources allocation, decision making, appointment and transfer of staff

Responsiveness and integration of care

Facilitating factors and barriers to integration of mental health in the health facility as well as in the community. Burden of mental illness, priority given to mental health

Equity and inclusiveness

Facilitating factors and barriers to mental health financing, access to services and anti-stigma programs

Effectiveness and efficiency

Facilitating factors and barriers to human resources capacity building, mental health infrastructure development and supply chain management of psychotropic drugs


Facilitating factors and barriers to ensuring effective enforcement of accountability measures. The role of press, elected bodies and judiciary in ensuring accountability

Intelligence and information

Facilitating factors and barriers to mental health data recording, reporting, analysis and dissemination


Facilitating factors and barriers to service user satisfaction and quality assurance, as well as mechanisms for safeguards against unethical research