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Table 2 Emergent themes from the telephone interviews

From: Policies on sexual expression in forensic psychiatric settings in different European countries



Sub themes

1. General views on sexual expressionb, c, d, e

Stance on condoning the expression of sexuality and intimacy and patients having relationships in secure forensic-psychiatric care

Positiveb, c

Negatived, e

2. Screening proceduresa, b, c, d, e

Procedures put in place to screen for any risks or vulnerabilities related to sexual activities. These could include sexual contact with another patient, a partner outside the institution (this can be a long-standing partner, a new partner, a prostitute)

Relationship with partner

outside the institutiona, b, c, e

Vulnerability of patienta, b, c, e

Relationship between patientsa, b, c

3. Safe sexa, b, c, d

Safe sex put in place when considering patients being sexually active

Distributing condomsa, b, c, d

Access to contraceptiona, b

Sexually transmitted diseasesa, c

4. Private spacea, b, c, d, e

Patients having privacy in a designated area to carry out sexual activity

Conjugal suitesa, b, c

Bedroomsb, c

On leavea, b, e

5. Public opiniona, b, c, d

Perception of public opinion on patients having sexual relationships and expressing their sexuality

Restrictive/punitivea, b, c, d

6. Patients’ responsesa, b, c, d, e

Response of service users to policies on sexual expression

Few complaintsa, b, e

Seen as restrictivea, c, d

7. Policy implementationa, b, c, d, e

Views of staff on implementation of policy on sexual expression

Considerable difficultya

Occasional difficultyc, d

Issue not raisedb, e

8. Future plansa, c, d, e

Future plans and ideas that could help in the development of policies on sexual expression in forensic-psychiatric care

Maintaining long-term relationshipsd

Male homosexual relationshipse

Learning from othersa, d, e

National discussionsa, c

  1. aSwitzerland
  2. bGermany
  3. cNetherlands
  4. dUK, high secure
  5. eUK, medium secure