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Fig. 2 | International Journal of Mental Health Systems

Fig. 2

From: Perspectives of community processes in establishing community-based mental health services in Hong Kong: a case study

Fig. 2

Three-stage public consolation protocol. This figure depicts the three-stage public consultation protocol for location selection of an ICCMW. The public consultation protocol should be developed to facilitate smooth and effective public consultations and should specify the time frame for each consultation and the target dates for confirming the ICCMW to avoid prolonged lobbying and delays in the establishment of services. Stage 1 (≤ 3 months) is the ‘preparatory stage’, which is initiated when a potential site has been identified. A task force led by district officers from the SWD or other government authorities and consisting of representatives from relevant departments should be established. Stage 2 involves public consultations and engagement activities, which should be completed within 12 months. When consulting the stakeholders, face-to-face approaches such as general residential meetings and other channels of communication are recommended to ensure that residents feel respected, receive more information, and are able to express their concerns. Stage 3 is the decision-making process. If the degree of local opposition is considerable, additional time and effort should be allocated for negotiations and community education. After the SWD has addressed various concerns by modifying the plan as needed, a decision should be made within 3 months

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