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Box 1 Examples of gaps in treatment in UK provision of mental health services

From: Specialist mental health services in England in 2014: overview of funding, access and levels of care

Among people with severe mental illness, 29 % have received appropriate physical health checks in the past year [16]

20 % of adults who screened positive for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder were receiving medication, counselling or therapy for a mental health or emotional problem [16]

14 % of alcohol dependent adults were receiving treatment for a mental or emotional problem [16]

Despite higher prevalence, older people are less likely than working age adults to be diagnosed with depression by their GP, and IAPT services are not yet configured to meet their needs, with IAPT access rates of just 5.2 % [16]

Only 28 % of parents of children with a conduct disorder have sought advice from a mental health specialist [17]

People with long-term conditions are 2–3 times more likely to experience mental illness than the general population, yet in 2/3 of cases depression goes undetected and untreated